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Book Sculpture at Mestska knihovna v Praze (library)Book Sculpture at Mestska knihovna v Praze (library)Astronomical ClockDeserted streets of Prague during 5:30 a.m. shootDeserted streets of Prague during 5:30 a.m. shootDeserted streets of Prague during 5:30 a.m. shootDeserted streets of Prague during 5:30 a.m. shootThe Lennon WallLove PadlocksDeserted streets of Prague during 5:30 a.m. shootSedlec Ossuary - Bone ChapelSedlec Ossuary - Bone ChapelSedlec Ossuary - Bone ChapelThe Church of the Assumption of Our Lady and Saint John the BaptistThe Church of the Assumption of Our Lady and Saint John the BaptistThe Church of the Assumption of Our Lady and Saint John the BaptistThe Church of the Assumption of Our Lady and Saint John the Baptist